Sunday 25 May 2008

Free SEO Search Engine Submission

Here is one off my favorite search engine submission.

The most advantagous of is that they offer free service for search engine submission. You can sumbit websites, blogs, etc..

Your site will be submitted to the following search engines: focusLook, Burf, Subjex, Alexa, Scrub The Web, Google, LookSeek, Jayde, InfoTiger, NerdWorld, Aeiwi, Walhello, LifeTips, ExactSeek, EntireWeb and more

Howto do it? Go to this address

Fill in the form with the asked information and put their website link into your site (create backlink on your site). Also don't forget to create your best search keywords for your site. Click "NEXT" button on the bottom of page and you've just complete the process.

Here we go, we got free 20 search engine submission at a very easy way...

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Saturday 24 May 2008

Creating Blogspot "Read more" style (expandable) post

In Blogspot, by default, posted article always shown in full text line from beginning to the end. That's really make your blog design look annoying when your post is too long, as you see in most of my post in my blog.

After doing some little research, finally I found the answer and solution for this problem. Thanks' to Blogspot Official Help.

Here is the quick step to do :

  • Add tags to your posts to mark which parts you want hidden in the summary version.
  • Add CSS declarations to your template to hide those sections on the index and archive pages, but not on post pages

With this trick, you can choose to display an arbitrary amount of text from the beginning of each post, as a teaser for the whole thing. Then users who want to read the rest of the post can click a link to see the full text. This is handy if you have lots of long articles all on one page. Note that you'll need to have post pages enabled in order to make this feature work.

There are three ingredients that go into this feature: conditional CSS, a "read more" link for each post, and a modification for the posts that use this feature. So let's go through it step by step.
Conditional CSS

We're going to use conditional tags to change how posts display on different pages. Add the following code to your style sheet, depending on what kind of template you have:

(for classic templates)

span.fullpost {display:none;}

span.fullpost {display:inline;}

(for layouts)

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
span.fullpost {display:inline;}
span.fullpost {display:none;}

Your style sheet is usually near the top of your template, between the <style>
and </style>
tags. If you have your style sheet in a separate file, you'll still need to add these lines in your template, so the conditional tags will work. Just make sure you add in the <style> tags around them.

What we did here was to define a class called "fullpost" that will appear only on post pages (permalinks). Part of each post will use this class, as we'll see later.
"Read More" Links

Add the following code to your template, somewhere after the <$BlogItemBody$> or <data:post.body/> tag:

(for classic templates)

<MainOrArchivePage><br />
<a href="<$BlogItemPermalinkURL$>">Read more!</a>

(for layouts)

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'><br />
<a expr:href='data:post.url'>Read more!</a>

This link will only appear on the main page and archive pages, and it will redirect your reader to the post page containing the full text of your post. You can replace the "Read more!" text with whatever you like, of course.
Post Modifications

The final piece that we need is a little bit of code in your actual post. Each post that you want to use this feature on will need this code:

<span class="fullpost"></span>

This part can actually go in the post template, if you don't want to have to type it for each post. You'll enter the summary text outside the span tags and the remainder inside, like so:

Here is the beginning of my post. <span class="fullpost">
And here is the rest of it.</span>

Now, when a reader visits your blog, this post will appear like this:

Here is the beginning of my post.
Read more!

When they click the link, they'll go to the post page where they'll see the whole thing:

Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.

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Just another HYIP investment program currently discussed and interested many people, still paying until today (May 24, 2008)

Program Summary:

HML Fund A: 3% Weekly
Deposits up to $249.99 earn 3% weekly for 20 weeks (60% ROI).
Principal is returned in the 21st week.
Level Deposit Amount Payout
Fund A: 3% Weekly 25.00 - 249.99 3.00%

HML Fund B: 5% Weekly
Deposits of $250 to $749.99 earn 5% weekly for 20 weeks (100% ROI).
Principal is returned in the 21st week.
Level Deposit Amount Payout
Fund B: 5% Weekly 250.00 - 749.99 5.00%

HML Fund C: 7% Weekly
Deposits of $750 and more earn 7% weekly for 20 weeks (140% ROI).
Principal is returned in the 21st week.
Level Deposit Amount Payout
Fund C: 7% Weekly 750.00 - Unlimited 7.00%

Here are information i got from the site :

What is HML Fund, and why is it important to me?
HML Fund packages hard money loans for commercial real estate investors. A hard money loan is far more attractive than most conventional loans because it allows the borrower a great deal of flexibility during negotiation, saves them weeks worth of time, and vastly increases the number of potentially profitable deals they can close. Of course, all of these benefits come with associated costs, which is good for us... and now it's good for you too!

Our hard money loans are disbursed very quickly, usually within 5 days of the borrower's request. These loans are packaged at very high interest rates ranging from 15% to 50%, and are originated at a much higher than normal point cost, typically 5 points and sometimes as high as 12 points. All of these loans are very short term, designed mainly to give the borrower the leverage they need at a moments notice. As you can see, lending hard money is an extremely profitable business. And now, through HML Fund, you can have your money working for you in this lucrative industry.

Here's how it works:
Through our new website, HML Fund is now packaging our higher risk loans by utilizing pooled funds of outside investors (that's you). By using this method for our higher risk loan originations, we are mitigating our own risk accross several groups of financiers by utilizing the power of crowd-based funding. What this means for you is MUCH higher rates of return on your money than any other conventional savings program, and even higher than most moderately aggressive market investments. We have initially decided to launch this fund to the "High Yield" community of online investors because of their natural gravitation towards risk-based portfolio growth.

As with any opportunity of this nature, we strongly advise you to educate yourself about the risks involved if you haven't yet, and have a solid plan for your available capital. Please read the disclaimer available at the bottom of this site as well.

Keep in mind, we are in the commercial loan business, NOT the Internet marketing business. HML Fund does NOT spend deposited funds on deceitful and ineffective marketing shams, such as monitor sites, autosurfs, or bulk(SPAM) email lists. Only enough to raise awareness and provide stability for the fund is spent on marketing efforts.

I will update information about this site.

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